Thursday, September 10, 2009

God Is Good!!!!!

This last week has been about as nervewracking as the time that I took my nursing license exam. But God is faithful and we found out yesterday that I'm pregnant! My lovely best friend Amy spent the day with me, which is good because otherwise I would've probably ended up clinging to the ceiling fan or something. I had my blood drawn at 830 and they told me that they would call later that day and if it wasnt before 430 to call them. Well, 430 rolled around and no news so I called and was told that the docs were running late, and I was on the list to call, but it probably wouldn't be until 5 or 530. So my doctor finally called at 520 with the good news.

I have to go get another HCG level (aka pregnancy test) on friday and they expect by then that the level will double. And I'm guessing in about 2 weeks I'll go in for an ultrasound and they'll see how many embryos there are. =)

I'm not sure that this has actually sunk in yet. Im sure it might still be another few weeks. Thank you all for all your prayers. This baby(ies) is our miracle from God. We're obviously still early in the pregnancy so we still have a long way to go, but God has brought us this far and we believe he's got some great plans for our kiddos. Keep praying for a good pregnancy/healthy baby(ies)!


  1. Congradulations to You and Joel. Our prayers and best wishes go out for you both.
    Yes God Is Good.
    Chuck and Lois Hancock

  2. Oh Robyn, I just absolutely love your blog. I hope you don't mind I am now a follower :0) Thank you for sharing this troublesome yet amazing miracle with us. You and your family will be in my prayers.
    Christina Miner
